
Skylanders Character List LogoSkylandersCharacterList.com exists to provide you with simple, yet complete Skylanders information.

I was not part of the Skylanders fan club from the beginning. I didn’t get into Skylanders until late 2012 (about halfway through the Skylanders: Giants release).

Some of you may share a similar experience, but for the rest of you just try to imagine jumping into a new game or hobby with nearly 200 characters you’ve never met. Then on top of all the different characters, there are numerous variations and subsets that could affect each character. My point is, it’s a lot to take in.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for having dozens or hundreds of different characters, but you would think it might be organized a bit more for the newcomers.

After hours of searching, I could only find partial lists. No one could give me a complete list of all the Skylanders figures in existence. (A few lists I found even have variants that don’t actually exist.) This is why I started Skylanders Character List.

I wanted a place I could quickly find out things like:

How many figures does Stealth Elf have?
What is the name of the Water Giant?
Has Rattle Shake been released yet?

Over the past few months, I have found out that I am not the only person with these concerns. There are others, just like me, who joined the party late or just need a simple Skylanders question answered. This is why the site exists.

Knowing that this site is not only helping me, but helping others really motivates me to make the site even better. Some day I hope for SCL to be the #1, ultimate, go-to resource for Skylanders figures.