An Intro to Trappable (and Playable) Villains
Trappable Villains were first introduced in Skylanders Trap Team. As you might imagine they were a main attraction in the game. I mean, who wouldn’t want to take control of the bad guys and defeat more bad guys with them?
In all, there are 46 Trappable Villains scattered throughout the Skylands in Trap Team.
Does that mean I need 46 Traps?
In fact, you can complete the game and defeat the final boss with zero (yes 0) Traps.
So what do the Traps do?
Traps are only necessary if you wish to play as the Villains.
Ultimately, as I’ve said before, you can pretend this is just another Skylanders game and play with your Skylanders the whole way through – but what’s the fun in that?
I would recommend getting at least one Trap from each element so that you can play as any Villain. Each Trap can only hold one Villain at a time, but you can change which Villain is trapped between levels. Having multiple Traps of the same element will simply allow you to have easier access to more Villains all the time.
How do I play as a Villain?
First you must find the Villain. Some of them you come across naturally through gameplay, but others are a bit more secluded and off the beaten path. For this reason I’ve compiled a complete list of where you can find all the Trappable Villains.
Then once you’ve located the Villain, you must defeat them. After you defeat the Villain you will be presented with two options: 1) you can put a Trap in the Portal and trap him immediately or 2) you can send him to the Villain Vault.
NOTE: Either option will mark the Villain as trapped in the Collection menu so it really doesn’t matter if you have a Trap right away.
Finally, once you have a Villain in the Trap you can place the Trap in the trap slot on the Portal. Then at any time during gameplay you can swap between your Skylander and the Villain with just the press of a button (L1 on PS3).
If you need help with the Villain Quests, go here.
Trap Team Villain Location Guide
Chapter 1 – Soda Springs
- Gulper (Water)
- Sheep Creep (Life)
Chapter 2 – Know-It-All Island
- Buzzer Beak (Air)
- Slobber Trap (Water)
- Tussle Sprout (Earth)
Chapter 3 – Chompy Mountain
- Broccoli Guy (Life)
- Bruiser Cruiser (Tech)
- Chompy Mage (Life)
Chapter 4 – The Phoenix Psanctuary
- Chill Bill (Water)
- Cuckoo Clocker (Life)
- Shrednaught (Tech)
Chapter 5 – Chef Zeppelin
- Bomb Shell (Magic)
- Chef Pepper Jack (Fire)
Chapter 6 – Rainfish Riviera
- Brawl and Chain (Water)
- Brawlrus (Tech)
- Masker Mind (Undead)
Chapter 7 – Monster Marsh
- Chomp Chest (Earth)
- Eye Five (Light)
- Eye Scream (Dark)
Chapter 8 – Telescope Towers
- Dreamcatcher (Air)
- Hood Sickle (Undead)
- Pain-Yatta (Magic)
Chapter 9 – Mystic Mill
- Krankenstein (Air)
- Shield Shredder (Life)
Chapter 10 – Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
- Fisticuffs (Dark)
- Rage Mage (Magic)
Chapter 11 – Wilikin Workshop
- Dr. Krankcase (Tech)
- Scrap Shooter (Fire)
Chapter 12 – Time Town
- Cross Crow (Water)
Chapter 13 – The Future of Skylands
- Blaster-Tron (Light)
- Wolfgang (Undead)
Chapter 14 – Operation: Troll Rocket Steal
- Grinnade (Fire)
- Threatpack (Water)
Chapter 15 – Skyhighlands
- Tae Kwon Crow (Dark)
Chapter 16 – The Golden Desert
- Bone Chompy (Undead)
- Grave Clobber (Earth)
Chapter 17 – Lair of the Golden Queen
- Bad Juju (Air)
- Golden Queen (Earth)
Chapter 18 – The Ultimate Weapon
- Kaos
- Smoke Scream (Fire)
Chapter 19 – Midnight Museum (Expansion Pack)
- Nightshade (Dark)
Chapter 20 – Sunscraper Spire (Expansion Pack)
- Luminous (Light)
Chapter 21 – Nightmare Express (Adventure Pack)
- Lob Goblin (Light)
- Trolling Thunder (Tech)
Chapter 22 – Mirror of Mystery (Adventure Pack)