There appear to be ten basic molds that they are using for the Creation Crystals this year.

Unfortunately, I have not seen or heard of any official naming scheme for these Crystals like we had two years ago for the Traps.

So I’m turning to you, the fans, for help.

Below I will show you the ten different molds.

Each mold will be assigned a number.

I want to you go through the list and name each Crystal mold, 1-10. If you can’t come up with a name for one, that’s okay, just leave the associated number in your list blank.

Naming Guidelines

  • Names should be quick and easy to remember.
  • We are naming the outer casing, NOT the crystal shape inside.
  • The name will be used for multiple elements, so don’t worry about color too much.
  • One word names are preferred, but if you have the right name, two words could work.

Think to yourself, I’m looking for the Life _______ Crystal. Does it flow? Does it sound good?


It’s simple. Just leave your list of 10 names in the comments below.

Towards the end of the week I’ll go through and find the top 3 most popular (or my favorite) submissions for each Crystal and we’ll put it to a vote. So stayed tuned for that poll coming up in a few days.

Without further ado, here’s the list:

Case Mold #1

Air Creation Crystal

Case Mold #2

Magic Creation Crystal

Case Mold #3

Dark Creation Crystal

Case Mold #4

Magic Creation Crystal

Case Mold #5

Earth Creation Crystal

Case Mold #6

Fire Creation Crystal

Case Mold #7

Life Creation Crystal

Case Mold #8

Light Creation Crystal

Case Mold #9

Undead Creation Crystal

Case Mold #10

Tech Creation Crystal